"Children and the Church"
One of the greatest aspects of psychology that I enjoyed studying in college was Child Psychology. A great deal of emphasis is placed on the environment in which children are raised and how that environment directly affects them cognitively. As I have shared with your before, raising children isn’t solely a parental responsibility. While parents or guardians are a major part of any child’s development, there is also the community, church, along with other influences that help shape and develop our children.
Children learn from the communities in which they are raised. Throughout childhood there is a tremendous capacity to learn and absorb information—as a sponge absorbs water. The brain is constantly building structures and circuits, to process information. In the first six months, a child’s brain doubles in size. It’s in childhood that children are learning what the world is all about. Undoubtedly, we see life through eyes that have been trained by the environment in which we were raised.
Mark Trotter once said; “The way you teach your children well is to get them into a community of adults who will surround them with love and forgiveness, show their care for them, and model for them what life is all about...” Is that true of the Community of Faith called Edgemont Christian Church?
Children have always been a part of the church. Every so often I run into someone who says; “Pastor, we chose not to raise our children in the church because we wanted them to make up their own minds about religion.” While I believe it is important to give our children freedom, the only problem is that you cannot raise children in a neutral environment. Children are influenced by the environment in which they are raised and live. Thus the church is a vital tool in raising our children. To raise a child in the church is to at least give them a choice.
In the Special Edition of The Virginia Christian, the Reverend Matthew Ricks is quoted as saying; “I often hear people say that children’s ministry is so important because children are our future. After working with children for almost ten years, I can affirmatively say that children are also our present. Children’s ministry has changed my church. Children are making [the church] better now, not twenty years from now. Children are bringing us laughter, new ideas and a sense of [God’s presence] right now.”
Those of you who had the opportunity to take part in our Vacation Bible School this year know that Rev. Ricks is right – our children and youth are a major asset to the church here and now! They offer us so many wonderful gifts that enhance not only our lives, but also the life and ministry of Edgemont. We were blessed to have on average 50 in attendance each night of V.B.S., with around 30 of them being children and youth. It was not only a fun-filled week, but we also learned some exciting things through our daily Bible lessons.
In the weeks leading up to our Heritage Sunday (October 7), we will focus on our children. We will recommit ourselves to be a church that faithfully nurtures our children and encourages them to live out their faith and to share their gifts.
As I contemplate our children ministries here at Edgemont, I am grateful to Peter Anderson who has worked faithfully and diligently with our children on Sunday mornings, providing them with a wonderful environment of learning and growing both spiritually and physically. I am grateful to those who teach Church School for our children and youth; people like Sharon, Donna, Juliet and Amber. What greater joy could there be than to hear the laughter and chatter of our children on Sunday morning? Indeed, children bring life, excitement, spontaneity, and new ideas to the church.
Kaye Edwards of the UCC and Disciples comments that, “making children’s needs a priority revitalizes congregations… I have found that if it is good for children and is put first, all other priorities fall into their rightful places.” As we celebrate and reaffirm our children’s ministries this month, let us recommit ourselves to being a faithful church that offers an environment that enhances our children’s spirituality, creativity, and resolve to live out their faith and share their gifts.
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